
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Healthy bread recipes and frangipane almond pie

I have also some articles on Squidoo. If you feel like checking them out, here are some of them:

I like bread, and I've been eating gluten free for a while, so it's always nice to have a few of those in hand :-) There are some paleo bread recipes in there that are such nice combinations (like zucchini bread). Mmmmm, almond flour...

Today a friend of ours was finishing moving out (to a castle :-) ) and I made one of those for the hungry guys, needless to say it was finished today... I put a lot more raspberries on the frangipane and I let it a bit too long in the oen, but it was still fine, just a bit too dark (not yet burnt but I think I saved it right in time!)

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